Round up

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Before things heat up ahead of election day, we figured we should reflect on everything we’ve been able to accomplish thanks to our amazing team and supporters. 

In case you missed them, here are some highlights from the past year:

Thousands of Emails Sent Demanding a Full Green Line

  • Tired of the constant delays and cuts to the original plan, thousands of our supporters used our tool to send an email to their councillor and MLA demanding construction of the full Green Line begin immediately. 

Calgary’s Youth Given a Voice 

  • Fed up with decisions at city hall being made for them, our Youth Summit helped dozens of young Calgarians gather to discuss the issues facing them and come up with a plan to fix them. 

9 Candidates Endorsed Ahead of the Election 

Dozens of Calgarians Graduated our Campaign School 

  • We know that Calgarians are ready for change. That’s why we wanted to equip them with the tools they need to make it happen by hosting our first ever Campaign School! The program was such a success that we held a second session to meet the overwhelming demand! School is out for the summer but you can still get involved by signing up to volunteer.

Partnering with Support Our Students Alberta to Protect Calgarians’ Health

  • With Jason Kenney abandoning virtually all testing, contact tracing, and isolation requirements while COVID cases continue to surge in Calgary, we partnered with Support Our Students to demand our local leaders to enact a mask mandate. Help us increase the pressure by sending an email using our tool. 

We’re excited to do even more before the time comes to elect new leaders for Calgary. In the meantime, help spread the word about the work that we’re doing and our vision for the future by sharing this blog post on your social media.


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